Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A little moment in my life

In the past three days, there has been a Pi Beta Mouse scare going on in my house. Aka, a mouse had been spotted in multiple rooms of the house, causing wide eyed girls' screaming two floors down from where the spotting occurred. So, this morning, I saw a pile of paper towels on the floor on which "RIP Pi Beta Mouse :(" was written. So being stupid, I nudge the pile away with my foot, and there's the mouse, dead, stuck in a mousetrap. Although I'm not very squeamish, it still made my stomach do back flips...
Oh and by the way, today was sooo warm! just about 50 degrees out, pretty much all the snow melted, making our quad into a large marsh, and creating whole walkways of ice in some areas. Also, I didn't wear a coat to class, AND, it rained for the first time I've been here since probably November. Yay Syracuse :p

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