Saturday, September 12, 2009

We're seniors.. again

Well, again I mean seniors in college.. agh! how has time gone by so fast? Really? So anyways, I am looking forward to going back to the Nova for thnxgiving already because although I saw everyone for the most part in May/June, since coming back from EU I think I have hypocollectivity aka I miss you all too much. School started two weeks ago, and it really did seem like it went by so fast already.. (did anyone say time goes by faster as you age? I think it's true, maybe one of you should include that in your researches. i'm not really the research type, but i mean, researching takes a while, can't you just squeeze "The effect of age on the speed of time a human experiences" next to you know, "the effect of ibuprofen on the rashness and pain tolerance of mice" or whatever next crazy projects you smart kids are up to :p
Also, any more specifics on that after graduation trip we're yearning to do? Save up the moolas 'yall..

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Missing you guys already!

Hey, so I'm back in Williamsburg for the summer, staying on campus at W&M. Last week was fun (going to Burke Lake Park, watching $2 movies, Ethiopian food, and Planet Earth/mochi), and I definitely want to see you guys some more!

So since people don't typically see/use this blog all that often, I'm going to send out an e-mail very soon about planning a visit for you guys to come over to Williamsburg and have much much fun going to the beach etc. Perhaps we'll do it at the end of the summer, depending on how that agrees with peoples' schedules.

Please pay attention to the e-mail I sent out about the most up-to-date e-mail addresses! That way we can be sure that everyone gets the messages we're sending out.

I'll post updates about my activities here. I'm cooking dinner for 8 people tomorrow evening - I hope that it'll go well!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Freedom, almost

YESSSSSSS! I CAN POST!!!!!!! WHEEEEEE! Booooda. Now Janet can post pics and craziness from Oxford and we can all blog from our various crazy locations.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why you should all fly southwest...

Haha i have midterms (round 2) all next week but I'll update soon! Miss you guys!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Spring break 09 in Stuart, FL. Well we had about 2 hours of it Sunday after we scrimmaged U of Miami in Miami. Now it's two a day practices, seat-racing at least once a day. I'm actually having considerable fun except for the hands being ripped apart. Weather is gorgeous, right around 80 at noon.. I know you're jealous. I'm coming home friday the 13th, who wants to hang out? Oh btw I wanted to put up a pic on here of me, but the uploading speed is very slow, so I got impatient. It'll be on facebook sometime :)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It's Over!

FASA Culture Night is over - I just wanted to post a quick notice here to everyone so that you'd all know that the pictures are now up on Facebook!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Being Filipino is FUN!!!

So my culture club, FASA, has its annual Culture Night show this Friday. After several months of hard work (and a very intense last few weeks), we are almost - almost - ready to perform.

As I've probably told you, this year's show is basically my (shared) baby. It tell the story of two couples - one in the present, one in the Spanish Colonial Era of the Philippines. The latter is a bit of a tragic tale.

Anyway, we've been working really hard on the play and the dances, and everything's coming together fairly smoothly. We only hit a snag when one of our main actors informed us (just last week) that he was taking a leave of absence and so couldn't participate in the show, but we've patched that problem up. The first full rehearsal of the show with dances (and one song) is tonight, so it's the first night that I get to see everything come together.

The poster looks like this...I had quite a fun time designing it this year.

If you're able to come watch (Friday at 6:30), I'd be really happy if you could! Of course, I know that you guys are pretty much all far away, so it'd be kind of difficult. Wish you could, though! It'd be so much fun :)