Saturday, February 7, 2009

How to write a new post

For those less-technologically savvy friends who come from a technology and science high school :p
Here is how you post: First you have to be signed in (use your google account, or create one) So once you are a follower of the blog... I invited all of you... There is a "New Post" link at the top right corner of the screen next to your screen name or whatever email you used for the login and the sign out link. And then your post is ALiiiiiVVEEee :) Please write about your lives. Mine is busy as always, kinda crazy at the moment, but I am GOING HOME on valentines day weekend; I'll be home by fri night, and staying till 5 ish on sunday. soo, besides being with my family, anyone who is around is welcome to come over/we should go out!


  1. umm, ok, maybe im just stupid - but i really dont see the thing in the upper right corner. It says (my sn), then "dashboard" and then "sign out". weeeeeird.

  2. Perhaps you need to be a follower/accept the invitation to write on the blog.. I mean you don't want random people to post on here. ANyone can see the blog, just not post on it unless I invited them. Hope that solves the prob, since now you are a follower
